Our Worship Teams
Symbols are a significant in liturgical worship. Acolytes bear symbols such as the cross, candles, seasonal banners, as they lead us in various movements of worship. They light the candles before the service begins. They lead the Procession at the beginning of the service and the Recession and the end of the service. In addition, they collect the offerings from the Ushers and assist the Priest in preparation for Holy Communion. Youth and adults serve in various roles during the procession and service at the altar.
Interested in learning more or becoming an acolyte? Email Jean Mary Taylor here.
Altar Guild
Preparation for worship creates the environment through which we encounter the Sacred. The Altar Guild prepares our linens, candles, Eucharistic vessels, baptismal vesselsand other elements of worship. Their preparation of and cleaning up of the altar area is vital offering of hospitality of worship. The Altar Guild also selects and arranges the flowers for each service.
Interested in learning more of joining the Altar Guild? Please contact the Church Office at 540-635 2763.
The Choir leads the congregation in the singing of hymns during the service.
Healing Team
Healing Team members perform the Laying On of Hands at Healing Stations during Holy Communion.
Lay Eucharistic Ministers
Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEM) assist the Priest during the service of Holy Communion. LEMs serve the wine to communicants.
Readers, prayer intercessors, chalice bearers,principal servers: our Lay Eucharistic ministry is as varied as it is deep and rich.
Receiving the elements of the bread and wine, the sacramental elements of the Eucharist, unites us to and reminds us of God's presence in and with us: chalicists (those who hold the chalice or cup of wine) assist in the congregation's receiving of the wine of worship.
The readings of scripture in worship end with, The word of the Lord." In this we name that hearing texts in worship is more than simply listening; it is the invitation of God through these spoken words.
In prayer we offer our hopes,our concerns, our longings,beliefs and our bewilderments to God. It is a practice of speaking and listening, of offering and receiving. In worship we offer prayer both personal and communal. The offering of prayers in worship is led by the Prayer Intercessors.
All of those who serve during our worship services receive special training to assist them in their ministry. Interested in becoming a Lay Eucharisitc Minister, please contact the Rector.
Lectors and Intercessors
Lectors read passages from Holy Scripture at appointed times during the service. The passages consist of several verses from books of either the Old or New Testament.
Intercessors lead the Prayers of the People portion of the service. The regular prayers come directly from the Book of Common Prayer and prayers for individuals and other special concerns are provided for each service.
Ushers and Greeters
Hospitality is a fundamental virtue found in the stories of scripture. Greeters and ushers provide hospitality through helping persons find their way into worship including offering service bulletins, assistance in finding seats as well as assisting in many ways that make our entrance and participation as welcome and comfortable as possible.
Greeters welcome members and visitors to Calvary. They provide assistance when help is needed getting into the church and answer questions from visitors.
Ushers distribute service programs and assist with finding seating. During the service, they provide the Priest with an attendance count for Holy Communion, collect offerings, and guide people to the altar for communion.
Interested in learning more about Ushers and Greeters? Please contact the Church office.