What is a vestry?
The vestry is a board of lay leaders who serve as “agents and legal representatives of the Parish in all matters concerning its corporate property and the relations of the parish to its clergy” (Canon 14)
The vestry serves not only to be legal representatives, but the vestry also serves to do the future visioning and planning of the church, to allow for the church to evolve for the future. They set church goals, do ministry reviews, and create strategic planning.
To see our Vestry, click here
Pastoral Care: Assists the pastor in ensuring all parishioners receive the support they need or just a reminder they are cared for such as a birthday card.
Hospitality Committee: Assists in allowing the parish to host events from weddings to funerals
Stewardship Committee: Ensures that stewardship is a year-round giving cycle, and educates the congregation on the many avenues of stewardship.
Finance Committee: A committee dedicated to the financial health and sustainability of the church.
Endowment Committee: This committee focuses on the endowments, and ensuring they are used appropriately and responsibly.
Special Committee: 128 North Committee: A committee focused on property ownership and strategic planning for the future of this property in our parish.
Healing team: The Calvary Healing Ministry has the mission to listen, love, and pray for all those who come seeking the healing ministry of Jesus Christ. They work together to offer healing after communion during our main liturgical service on Sundays at 10:30 AM. (9:30AM during the summer months)
Altar Guild: A group of volunteers in a parish church who prepare the sanctuary for worship and care for the ceremonial objects used in the service. They are often considered the priest's liturgical partner, helping to ensure the worship life of the parish runs smoothly
Development: Committees we are working to develop include:
Christian Formation
Care for Creation
Racial Justice and healing Committee